International Valves Magazine | Contents: | |||
| 12 | Militiamen closed down an illegal plant in Tula. | 73 | The 16`th International Coordinating Meeting (ICM)of Interatomenergo on co-operation in the field of nuclear power. Energy security and nuclear power development |
14 | Kurgan plant Icar in the north-west of Russia. Rostransmash Trade, LLC – Saint-Petersburg | 74 | News from ZEIM JSC | |
15 | Everything depends on intensity of interaction | 75 | Foreign suppliers of pump equipment, aggregates and expansion machines | |
16 | Chelyabinsk plant Konar is 15 years old. Currently it is a leader of the industry | 77 | Scientific and Production Enterprise GAKS-ARMSERVICE: measurement technologies are means to increase the quality of product | |
18 | Polish plant Armak is 125 years old | 78 | Prediction of control valve failure caused by cavitation. Part 2 | |
20 | Are there any rules of play in the valve market? The rules of valve manufacturers and sellers play are an intimate angle of the relations between two general managers | 80 | Two forecasts. Evaluation of the valve market in 2007 | |
81 | Number Theory and Fermat theorem | |||
22 | AUMA Actuators, Inc is a valve manufacturer. Company history | 84 | Press-release | |
24 | Fresh wind in Moscow. Belorussia’s valve companies enter Russian market | 85 | Foreign suppliers of shut-off and control valves | |
26 | How Metso Automation uses NACE MR0175/ ISO 15156 international standard in valve manufacturing | 86 | Flange selection handbook. Part 2. Fastening elements | |
29 | Polish plant ZM Azomet | 90 | How to introduce successful changes to an industrial enterprise | |
30 | Catalogue of electric actuators applicability | 91 | History of valve plant Langenzipen – Znamya Truda. Part 2. Prewar years | |
36 | Nasthol Certification Centre. June – October 2006 information | 93 | Romanian plant NEMO Upet enter Russian market | |
39 | Automatic edge filter. Key parameters to make right choice | 94 | Pumps and aggregates | |
40 | Automating Valve Procurement (AVP) through a PIP «Valve Matcher Catalog System» in USA | 95 | Parameter calculation for cooling plants and boiler injection steam coolers | |
41 | Passive safety facilities, systems and elements. Glossary with definitions and commentaries. | 98 | Armaprom ( Mirgorod valve plant) is 60 years old | |
44 | Moscow CKBA: More history of international co-operation | 100 | Russian market of electrical actuators: does vigorous growth of sales in 2006 mean sales increasing in 2007? | |
48 | Valve actuators and positioners | 102 | New technology of fuel atomization with steam-masout injector | |
49 | Beyond valve catalogues. Issue 22 | 106 | PCVEXPO. The leading sectorial forum in the country. Moscow, Sokolniki, October 2-5, 2006 | |
53 | Valve Oscar 2006 award | 108 | ASME best-sellers. Accompanying documentation to ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code | |
57 | Catalogue of valve companies | |||
66 | Furnishing the control valves DN over 100 mm manufactured by ChZEM JSC (Chekhov) with ZPA Pechki (Czech Republic) multi-turn actuators | 110 | Valve plant UgoKama is 260 years old. We were market leaders and we are going to remain the leaders | |
112 | The «Smart Plant»: economics and technology of XXI century | |||
67 | System approach to choosing actuators for shut-off and control valves | 116 | New valves and actuators designs | |
70 | Valve world news | 120 | Russian nuclear-engineers visited ZPA Pechki JSC |