Issue 3(30) 2007

20 июня, 2007

International Valves Magazine


International Valves Magazine
№ 3 (30) 2007

D.G. Grak – publisher, editor-in-chief of the International Valves Project
Tel.: +812 9320897

Founder – Valves International Marketing Centre Valves and Equipment, CJSC

Director - T.G. Bokaya, chief-in-editor of the publishing office
+375(17) 2149523, 2990209;
+375 (29) 7565657

12 Valve International Magazine is 5 years old. New projects are in the future… 78 As for valves …they are a complete flop. A cry from the heart of a provincial valve user
14 Sealing Technology Association as a means to increase the competitive ability of the Russian power engineering industry 79 Valve plant – distributor – end user. Distribution and provision in the field of valve engineering. How does it work in the USA?
16 OAO ZEiM (Electronics and Mechanics Plant). Smart electrical valve actuators 81 Beyond valve catalogues. Issue 25
18 Slovak company REGADA, s.r.o. Prešov: electrical actuators supply to Russian market will increase 85 New valve and actuator designs
20 OAO Arzil (Georgievsk Valve Plant) is 100 years old: it is too early to sum up the results 88 European strategy in the field of power engineering. GREEN PAPER, SEC(2006) 317
28 RINARMAŠĪNBŪVE (Riga) and Hydromach-Nornat (Moscow). New trends: JHSValve’s lined valves, China. Varicon Hanning’s electrical actuators, Germany 89 AVK. Shut-off valves for gas-supply systems
29 “Kazan gate valve” is 170 years old 90 Сhlorinated polyvinylchloride valves and pipes
30 Souzenergo Concern is the first company that launched an import substitution program in Ukraine 91 Requirements for condensate tappers
32 The market of ball valves: a choose between China valves and valves of new unknown plants 93 Operation features of fire hydrants installed on external water-supply networks
34 Chemagregat: a new strategy: global technologies in the Russian market of chemical equipment 94 High-performance butterfly valves will replace gate and multipurpose valves
35 Valve world news 95 A table of correspondence between valve markings of Kombit-Neway and Tables of Figures
38 Technical level increasing and valves improvement 97 The history of Langenzipen (Znamya Truda) Valve Plant named after I.I. Lepse. Part 5. Re-opening of the plant. End of the war and postwar years
39 ChTPZ Group aims to turn into an engineering and service group instead of being a commodity manufacturer 101 Periodic valve tests. A new CKBA standard has been approved
40 News of valve companies and plants 105 PO MZTA: We realize our responsibility for the valve engineering future and for the state and reliability of pipeline transfer in Russia
42 Uncommon thoughts and reminiscences 107 Saint-Petersburg company ONIKS: a new generation of Saint-Petersburg valve companies will change the market in nearer years
46 Certification Center NASTHOL. Products certification. Information for March and April, 2007 109 Electrical valve actuators for extreme applications
47 Application chart of Tomprin and Hussar electrical actuators 111 Chemical valves for hard applications
53 Encyclopaedia “Steels and Alloys” 113 Co-operation between mechanical engineers from Penza and Magdeburg
55 Polymer seals for extreme applications 117 IV Saint-Petersburg Training-Seminar “Valve Master-Class”
56 Certification Center NASTHOL. Products certification. Information for May, 2007 123 How to obtain a payout from an exhibition? International Forum PCVEXPO 2007. Pumps. Compressors. Valves
57 Possibility of gas flow regulator development 124 Yekaterinburg company “Serebriany Mir 2000”. A corporate information system and complex service in pipeline completing is modern standards of work in the oil-and-gas market
75 Catalogue of heat-resistant spiral-wound gaskets applicability 127 Marina Timiva ( Sincere thoughts of the valve painter
77 Valves used in alternative energy sources applications. The USA experience 128 Samson AG celebrates its 100 th anniversary. Chronicle. Innovations. The company history
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