International Valves Magazine | Contents: | |||
| 12 | Valve International Magazine is 5 years old. New projects are in the future… | 78 | As for valves …they are a complete flop. A cry from the heart of a provincial valve user |
14 | Sealing Technology Association as a means to increase the competitive ability of the Russian power engineering industry | 79 | Valve plant – distributor – end user. Distribution and provision in the field of valve engineering. How does it work in the USA? | |
16 | OAO ZEiM (Electronics and Mechanics Plant). Smart electrical valve actuators | 81 | Beyond valve catalogues. Issue 25 | |
18 | Slovak company REGADA, s.r.o. Prešov: electrical actuators supply to Russian market will increase | 85 | New valve and actuator designs | |
20 | OAO Arzil (Georgievsk Valve Plant) is 100 years old: it is too early to sum up the results | 88 | European strategy in the field of power engineering. GREEN PAPER, SEC(2006) 317 | |
28 | RINARMAŠĪNBŪVE (Riga) and Hydromach-Nornat (Moscow). New trends: JHSValve’s lined valves, China. Varicon Hanning’s electrical actuators, Germany | 89 | AVK. Shut-off valves for gas-supply systems | |
29 | “Kazan gate valve” is 170 years old | 90 | Сhlorinated polyvinylchloride valves and pipes | |
30 | Souzenergo Concern is the first company that launched an import substitution program in Ukraine | 91 | Requirements for condensate tappers | |
32 | The market of ball valves: a choose between China valves and valves of new unknown plants | 93 | Operation features of fire hydrants installed on external water-supply networks | |
34 | Chemagregat: a new strategy: global technologies in the Russian market of chemical equipment | 94 | High-performance butterfly valves will replace gate and multipurpose valves | |
35 | Valve world news | 95 | A table of correspondence between valve markings of Kombit-Neway and Tables of Figures | |
38 | Technical level increasing and valves improvement | 97 | The history of Langenzipen (Znamya Truda) Valve Plant named after I.I. Lepse. Part 5. Re-opening of the plant. End of the war and postwar years | |
39 | ChTPZ Group aims to turn into an engineering and service group instead of being a commodity manufacturer | 101 | Periodic valve tests. A new CKBA standard has been approved | |
40 | News of valve companies and plants | 105 | PO MZTA: We realize our responsibility for the valve engineering future and for the state and reliability of pipeline transfer in Russia | |
42 | Uncommon thoughts and reminiscences | 107 | Saint-Petersburg company ONIKS: a new generation of Saint-Petersburg valve companies will change the market in nearer years | |
46 | Certification Center NASTHOL. Products certification. Information for March and April, 2007 | 109 | Electrical valve actuators for extreme applications | |
47 | Application chart of Tomprin and Hussar electrical actuators | 111 | Chemical valves for hard applications | |
53 | Encyclopaedia “Steels and Alloys” | 113 | Co-operation between mechanical engineers from Penza and Magdeburg | |
55 | Polymer seals for extreme applications | 117 | IV Saint-Petersburg Training-Seminar “Valve Master-Class” | |
56 | Certification Center NASTHOL. Products certification. Information for May, 2007 | 123 | How to obtain a payout from an exhibition? International Forum PCVEXPO 2007. Pumps. Compressors. Valves | |
57 | Possibility of gas flow regulator development | 124 | Yekaterinburg company “Serebriany Mir 2000”. A corporate information system and complex service in pipeline completing is modern standards of work in the oil-and-gas market | |
75 | Catalogue of heat-resistant spiral-wound gaskets applicability | 127 | Marina Timiva ( Sincere thoughts of the valve painter | |
77 | Valves used in alternative energy sources applications. The USA experience | 128 | Samson AG celebrates its 100 th anniversary. Chronicle. Innovations. The company history |