Issue 5(32) 2007

16 ноября, 2007

International Valves


International Valves Magazine
№ 5 (32) 2007

D.G. Grak – publisher, editor-in-chief of the International Valves Project
Tel.: +812 9320897

Founder – Valves International Marketing Centre Valves and Equipment, CJSC

Director - T.G. Bokaya, chief-in-editor of the publishing office
+375(17) 2149523, 2990209;
+375 (29) 7565657

14 Valve Oscar Award 2007. October 16, 2007, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition Centre
International Valve Magazine has established Valve Oscar Award for outstanding achievements in the field of valve engineering for the first time in the history of the world valve industry. The first Valve Oscar Award ceremony was held at Forum “Pumps. Compressors. Valves” in Moscow in 2006. This event received wide coverage in mass media: Expert magazine, International Valve Magazine, Trud newspaper, Molodoy Kommunar newspaper and other periodicals published reports and biographies of the first prize–winners.
16 United Metallurgical Company (ZAO OMK): Our target is to launch new products
OAO Trubodetal is one of the biggest companies in Russia and CIS countries manufacturing connecting parts for low–alloy steel pipelines with a diameter from 57 to 1420 mm. The company is the main supplier for oil and gas pipelines and pipeline networks projects. Nikolay Zaitsev, a sales manager of OMK pipeline division, tells readers about changes after entering of the plant into United Metallurgical Company as well as about the nearest challenges and perspectives of the plant.
18 Criteria of shut–off valve selection for gas distribution systems at OAO Orenburgoblgas in 2007
The quality of shut–off valves has always been one of the important conditions for safety work of gas distribution systems. Technical requirements for gas–using equipment become stricter, new technologies are applied. OAO Orenburgoblgas regularly monitors the shut–off valve market to explore the new technologies.
20 Uncommercial Partnership “Sealing Techniques”: premises for creation and perspectives
On October 15, 2007, All–Russian Conference «Sealing Techniques 2007» was held as a part of 6th International Forum PCVEXPO– 2007. The Conference was visited by heads and engineers of the leading companies in the field of power engineering, industry and municipal engineering.
22 VI International Forum PCVEXPO 2007. October 15–18, 2007, Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition Centre
October 15–18, 2007, 6th International Forum PCVEXPO was held. It combined 4 specialized exhibitions: Pumps, Compressors, Pneumatics & Pneumatic Tools, Valves, Actuators & Motors. The exposition of the Forum covered over 30,000 m2 . The exhibition was visited by over 500 participants from 26 countries.
26 Ukrainian Souzenergo Concern: ahead of China in quality and terms
Being a partner of main Russian valve and actuator manufacturers, Souzenergo Concern knows the state of the market and the market changes. The valve market has been overflowing with China products in recent three years. The leaders of the company believe that if Russian and Ukrainian manufacturers don’t cover the demand there will be imported products, especially from China, in Russia tomorrow.
32 The place of a trader in the system of valves and pipeline elements sale. The perspectives of China and Russia cooperation
The article touches questions connected with a trader place in the sales system and perspectives of the future valve and pipeline elements market development when product stream from Asia and other developing regions increases.
44 Legal protection of the intellectual activity results. NPF CKBA issued a standard regulating these questions
The 4th part of Civil Code of Russian Federation “Rights on the intellectual activity results and means of individualization” has been brought into action since January 1, 2008. The document has combined all the legislative regulations on the ground of occurrence and the order of exercise of exclusive rights on the results of intellectual activity (intellectual property).
49 Right selection of multipurpose valves and chemical equipment
Right selection of equipment (particularly chemical pumps, multipurpose valves, vessels etc.) for applications connected with storing, transportation, and processing of corrosive fluids is a matter of great importance. This aspect has an influence on fail–safe operation of processing lines in the chemical, petrochemical, power, and nuclear industries, organic synthesis products and mineral fertilizers production etc.
51 Some thoughts about valve engineering future
R. R. Ionaitis tells the readers about his thoughts on the future of valve engineering.
94 Market benefits of Russian manufacturers and nonprice factors of competition with foreign companies
Perspectives of survival and development of Russian manufacturers are being discussed now more often. The reason is the growth of competition with foreign, and in the first place, with Chinese manufacturers. The authors of the article consider several aspects of this problem to understand whether the situation is as hopeless as some analysts believe.
106 Intellectual products
OAO ZEiM was founded as the first company in the country with specialization in production of electrical actuators. The specialists of the plant have developed KIM 1 actuator — a unique electronic module that helps serial and new actuators to reach new quality and become intellectual.
112 The main principles of control valve selection
Control valves are widely used in the various fields of the industry. Regardless whether the valve is used as a simple temperature regulator or as a part of a complex automatic process control system its selection is an important engineering task.
In addition to better accuracy of control, right control valve selection allows to eliminate such problems as high noise level and erosive wear.
117 Rotork’s intellectual actuators are the highest achievement in valve reliability
The development of Rotork’s IQ intellectual actuators was based on 50–years experience in the gas and oil industry. Compact and robust design is combined with the newest electronic controls and measurement techniques which provide maximum reliability in hard applications and minimum maintenance costs.
118 On October 8, 2007, one–day Practical Seminar of International Valve Magazine was held together with ZAO Konar and Partnership “Sealing Techniques”. The seminar took place at ZAO Konar in Chelyabinsk.
122 Automatic slotted filter increases the effectiveness of water recycling system
Operation of water recycling systems causes various problems connected with metal corrosion products and other mechanical impurities intrusion into water as well as scale formation, microbiological pollution and deposition of salts.
One of the most effective ways of this problem solving is to use automatic slotted filters.
The article describes the design of slotted automatic filter manufactured by OOO Strong–Filter.
126 The intellectual actuators market. Does demand for smart actuator exist?
After a short review of the actuator market, which was published in the last issue, today we would like to talk about so–called smart–actuators. Does the demand for these devices in the Russian market exist and with what is it connected?
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