ISH digital 2021. Новый цифровой формат (purely digital) крупнейшей сантехнической выставки в марте (22-26.03) во Франкфурте-на-Майне (аналог Акватерма в Москве)

28 декабря, 2020 411

As a result of the course taken by the pandemic, Messe Frankfurt will not be holding any of its own physical trade fairs at the Frankfurt exhibition grounds between January and March 2021. So, ISH will be taking place as a purely digital event in 2021, with a wide range of digital features on offer. ISH digital 2021 will offer numerous interesting features, as well as a variety of opportunities for interacting and connecting with your business contacts – around the clock! In addition to an overview of all exhibitors and products, ISH digital will also include live streams and recordings of the programme of events. Due to the current worldwide spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and the associated travel restrictions, ISH will be taking place as a purely digital event in 2021. As the industry's central virtual platform for business and exchange of information, ISH 2021 will offer a wide variety of interesting features.

Messe Frankfurt RUS

Leningradsky Prospect 39, b.80

125167 Moscow, Russia

25 декабря 2020

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